Social Encounter Generator

Participants and Meeting Location

Participants Meeting Location

Initial Reaction Table

If the characters have no known feelings about each other, a 2D6 Reaction Roll is made to determine how their meeting turns out.
Participants Reaction Roll Outcome

Unexpected Events

On a 7, roll a d20 to determine the Unexpected Event.❓
Participants D20 Roll Event Description

Meeting a Rival

When two rivals run into each other, a 2D6 roll is made on the table below to determine what happens. 🆚
Participants 2D6 Roll Rival Encounter Description

Meeting a Friend

When two friends run into each other, a 2D6 roll is made on the table below to determine what happens.
Participants 2D6 Roll Friend Encounter Description

Meetings in Love

If a character is in love with someone that does not return it, every time the two meet a 2D6 roll is made instead of any normal roll that would be made.
Participants 2D6 Roll Love Encounter Description